The Australian duo, Hussy Hicks, put on a very
entertaining 90 minute show in the small
town of Precenicco, Italy.
Hussy Hicks, also
known as Julz Parker and Leesa Gentz, formed back in 2006. The Australian duo have been influenced by
their own family record collections of old skool blues and country, and from
their travels, combining a distinctly Australian roots edge with European gypsy
guitar, Arabic rhythms and optimistic social commentaries.Julz is regarded as one of Australia’s finest guitarists and has performed with the likes of Phil and Tommy Emmanuel, John Jorgenson, Lulo Reinhardt and Joe Robinson.
Leesa is instead famous for her soaring vocals and joyful, endearing stage presence and she has been steadily earning respect as one of the most captivating vocalists in her field.
The female duo has been welcomed with honorary memberships into blues, folk, country and jazz circles while at the same time spreading their fine music across festival stages and venues throughout Europe, America and Australia, with the single goal of playing music for the absolute joy of it.