Monday, November 9, 2009

Corrado Guzzanti, Palasport, Udine 06/11/2009

Roman-born Corrado Guzzanti, a comic, impersonator, actor and the son of an Italian senator (his father is the nephew of a former Italian political minister—it all runs in the family in Italy!), put on an entertaining show which lasted close to three hours in Udine’s small Palasport arena.

The show, thanks to the folks at and, was rather entertaining. The 44 year-old comic, who was also joined on stage by his kid sister Caterina (another sister, Sabina, has basically been “eliminated” from public tv by Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for her constant political satire attacks against him!), as it started out with Guzzanti imitating Italy’s finance minister, Giulio Tremonti. He’s also good at imitating other well-known Italian personalities, also from the world of religion.

He was also joined on stage by his side-kick, Marco Marzocca, who plays the part of a priest who gets a phone call (during a talk-show) from the same caller, who never quite understands the topic of the talk-show and always confuses things! And kid sis Caterina is superb in her imitation of Mariastella Gelmini, Italy’s education minister who has a problem or two with speaking proper Italian. Entertaining social and political satire, indeed.

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