Nek, aka Filippo Neviani, is a spunky Italian 37 year-old Italian singer who personally reminds me a lot of Sting. In fact, his first-ever album was actually in honour of the Police`s “Reggae And Rock”.
Not a quite sold-out show but nevertheless an entertaining one which lasted nearly 2 hours. Nek took Italy by storm 12 years ago at the Sanremo song festival with “Laura Non C`e`”, which he also played in Udine as an encore. That sort of brought down the theatre and, admittedly, is one of my favourite songs (even though I don`t really know many of his other songs!).
Many of the fans included young women as Nek is still a sort of “hunk” for many of his adoring female fans (see pics). He was basically promoting his latest album, “Un`altra direzione” and was backed up by five fine musicians. This was one of the few concerts were his personal entourage was rather picky with the few photographers that were on hand. In my particular case, one asked me which pics I had taken (for some odd reason, we weren`t allowed to take pictures of the first two songs, just the third, fourth and fifth). Nek came out playing guitar for the first two songs behind a large, black transparent cloth. It was quite comical as the first five pictures in my digital camera also contained pics of my 88 year-old dad (all pics by M. Rimati)!